Saturday 28 April 2018

Bellagio - on Lake Como

Given how sick we have become, we decided it was worth the money to pay for a driver to get us from Milan station to our accomodation in Bellagio. This saved us a slow train, ferry and taxi and we were very grateful when we realised the path down to our accomodation was a little scary, while hauling luggage on a very hot afternoon.  We can’t believe the temperature here is up to 27 and 28 degrees when a week ago it was 15 degrees cooler!


Our driver Massimo was delightful, and called our hotel, and got them to come and meet us to take the second suitcase from me. What a relief! The young girl then took our luggage up to our room, which is lovely with two bedrooms, a balcony and a window in the second room - both with views over Lake Como.
(Even the view from the bathroom window is beautiful!)

 It is the best suite in the hotel. Lucky, as we have spent a lot of time in the room since we arrived. Jules has spent all her time in the room!!

After we were settled and one of the young owners had organised a doctor to make a house call at 8.30am the next day, we ordered a bottle of Prosecco while we contemplated what we would do for dinner, as the Charming Bellagio Boutique Hotel is more of a B and B, so has no restaurant on site. Prosecco arrived with snacks, which we enjoyed - me on the balcony, Jules sitting on her bed.

I found a cheap pizza and pasta restaurant at the top of the path from the hotel, who did take away and offered me a small glass of wine and some hot chips (!?!) while I waited. It is slightly out of town, so was full of locals, not tourists. Dinner was delicious and we settled down to what we thought would be an early night. Sadly we both coughed ALL night, barely managing two hours sleep in fits and starts, struggling with fever as well as a very hot night.

Next morning a lovely young doctor arrived prescribing us both with a number of antibiotics and extra concoctions to try to get us well. At 80 Euro per patient it certainly was a profitable visit for him!! Mind you, we would have paid just about anything!

(Interesting that doctors’ writing seems to be the same all over the world!)

After a freshly prepared breakfast in the hotel dining room, I strolled down to the town, found the pharmacy, who I’m sure appreciated the scripts, as I also now have no voice! Managing only a brief time to admire the sights of the beautiful town, which was just waking up, ...

I adored the waterfront area, where restaurants allow visitors to take in the views...

and the ferry departs as well as the water limousines!

There’s so much to explore - cobbled steps lined with shops and restaurants selling all sorts of wares and...

gorgeous houses - all with views over Lake Como.

I loved these little outfits for tiny little ones in one of the shop windows. How could you resist dressing your little girl in such beautiful attire? I guess the price tags would help you resist!

Eventually I took the meds back to the room, where I thankfully managed a quick nap.

Gathering strength I again ventured out to discover more of the town, and something to bring back for lunch. I headed toward the sign for Pescallo - where the sailing ships we can see from our bedroom window are found. There were a lot of stairs up and down, which was embarrassingly difficult for me, but worth it as there is a lovely restaurant and hotel with tranquil views...

... and a quite stunning residential area, which was abuzz with people preparing their midday meals. A number of other tourists had also found their way down there too so I had to wait my turn for photo opportunities.

I grabbed a spinach pie, panini and focaccia to tide us over for lunch and dinner, and loved that I could also get little bottles of wine for only 3 euro in the take away, forgetting of course that you shouldn’t have alcohol while on antibiotics...luckily Jules doesn’t worry about things like that, so she could have one for lunch and one for dinner!

Our last night here tonight, and everything looks just as gorgeous as last night.


We have another driver booked to get us back to Milan in the morning, as we head to Verona tomorrow. It’s been a shame not to do all we had planned here in Bellagio, especially the ferry trip around Lake Como, that we were so looking forward to, but perhaps one day we will be able to enjoy a return visit. Let’s hope the antibiotics kick in overnight so we can enjoy the rest of the trip. We are both over this sickness.


  1. So sorry to hear you have continued to be unwell Kathy and Julie. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon. Looks like a beautiful place to be recuperating though. At least you can take in the views from your room. The streets nearby look charming too. Looks like I need an “Ava” shopping expedition. Mind you the little jet setter has just returned from her first trip to Paris. Hope you have a better onward journey. Love Nic xxx

  2. Definitely worth a visit Nic and Ava would look divine in these as well as Parisian outfits! What a life!
    Beautiful vista from the apartment and I’m sure had he known we were unwell George Clooney would have come to visit from Villa Oleandra in Laglio - on the lake between here and Como. Maybe he would have brought a never ending supply of lemon and ginger tea - amazing how much you miss tea and coffee making facilities when in Europe!!! I need my tea to soothe the throat ☹️

  3. More likely George would have brought us Nespresso Kath 😝

  4. Such a shame you are both so unwell, although you still seem to be getting out and about and seeing a few gorgeous sights. It looks like you were the only ones in Bellagio, except for a waiter! I hope the antibiotics kick in and you are both feeling better soon so you can enjoy the rest of your adventures. Kim

  5. Hi Girls, fantastic scenery. Keep pushing through while you're there. Cheers, Rob

    1. Hi Rob,
      We are certainly doing our best, but it is hard when you can hardly breathe and start a coughing fit at the slightest exertion. Fingers crossed things get better from now on!

  6. This is the place Trudie loves, isn't it? I can see why. What a beauty. It must be fabulous to live amongst such pretty buildings and scenery.

    1. Yes, it is the place Trudie always talks about...that’s why we booked it!
      It is incredibly beautiful. I was surprised at how few children there were in the town, but then again there’s not much for them to do. Our hostess grew up with her sister in Bellagio, and she said as lovely as it is, it was hard as a child and teen. There is not even a cinema in town, nor any sports fields or anything. Sport was the thing that got dropped at school apparently, if anything had to go. Sport is not something that girls do much in Italy, she said - though maybe that’s just in Bellagio!
