Thursday 10 May 2018

Salerno - on the Amalfi Coast

Long train journeys to Salerno, including one that ran 40 minutes late due to the guard needing to get off for a cigarette stop every few stops, were exhausting! That was after another night of very little sleep. (Little did we know that the night we left the fireworks would begin at 4.20am including canons firing every 10-15 minutes 🙄🤪🤨☹️ They certainly make a big deal of their patron saint in Bari! In fact, when I finally hopped into bed at 11.30pm the night before, I turned on the television to discover the festivities were being telecast live!)

Our apartment in Salerno is in an old apartment building on the waterfront, not in the main part of the city, but in a residential part of town. We have views over the water, which are very pleasant despite the terrible rain that met us on arrival.

Thankfully the rain eased enough for us to make our way to a pizza restaurant recommended by our host. It’s a charming little restaurant - La Pizza Di Vincenzo Mansi - where the waitress spoke near perfect English and was very helpful.

 I would have to say it was the best pizza I have EVER eaten - a four tomato pizza, whilst Jules’ enjoyed a cooked cheese and garlic pizza with fresh ham and mozzarella.

 (Shame they don’t do half half pizzas here, as so much gets wasted!)

The next morning the rain had cleared but the forecast was not great, so I decided on a walk along the waterfront before breakfast.  The sand is a blackish colour, so not very attractive, but it was interesting to notice the beach areas being prepared for summer - including new paving around the swimming pools and the tennis courts getting a bit of a makeover too.

Once in the city I found a lovely park, which was well cared for and very peaceful with people sitting quietly enjoying the tranquility.

As I headed back toward the apartment the sun broke through the clouds,

ready for our ferry ride to Positano, via Amalfi.

We spent time in Amalfi last trip, so decided just to appreciate the town from the water today.

Jules of course enjoyed a Prosecco on board!


Twenty minutes after Amalfi we stepped off the boat in Positano, where we enjoyed a delicious lunch with very attentive wait staff and perfect views.

The mixed bruschetta was not traditional, and as the waiter said they believe you should have to ‘work’ to enjoy your bruschetta - complete with tomato, eggplant, peppers and chickpea toppings. Yum!!

Jules ordered an asparagus risotto with scampi and I again chose the spaghetti pomodoro with the tiny tomatoes that are incredibly rich and sweet.

After our meal we strolled around the town...


and I climbed up to enjoy the views and the shops nearer the top.


So many beautiful restaurants to take in the views...

...and shops selling everything from lemon scented soaps, sandals, lots of women’s clothing to the infamous Amalfi coast ceramics and stunning artworks lining the streets.

The glorious sunshine made the perfect day, and the clouds didn’t reappear until we were almost back to Salerno, where we enjoyed a quick drink by the water.

Dinner was at another local pizzeria, where yet again we were a bit of a novelty, choosing to dine before 9pm. Whilst not as good as last night, it was certainly delicious!

This morning we have a 10am trip to Rome - sadly our final stop before heading home. I’m a little worried as the more reviews I read of our accomodation, the more comments I read about how the 6 flights of stairs are very steep and not suitable for those with mobility issues!!


  1. Such Fantastic images & comentry 👍

  2. This is stunning Kathy and you looked so relaxed:) Hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday. Have been sharing with everyone in the office. They are all so JEALOUS!! Jo sends her love too.

  3. Such wonderful memories for you. The places you have visited and stayed in all looked amazing. Can't wait to hear more about your adventures on your return. Safe travel home!
