Tuesday 24 April 2018

Farewelling France - Au Revoir!

Sad as we were to leave the cruise we were also keen to arrive back in Nice after our short visit 6 years ago. Knowing we had a few hours before we could check into our room at B4 Plaza, we headed to the roof top terrace restaurant for an early lunch. It wasn’t very French, but there wasn’t much on offer for vegetarians!

It is very frustrating for Jules that her asthma has developed into a very nasty cold/chest infection (and I am now a little under the weather myself 🤒 😷). Jules has needed to spend most of our time in Nice in the hotel room, which thankfully at least has the most amazing view -

- both during the day, and at night. Sunday was the last day of the jazz festival, so we also had non stop music to keep us entertained through the afternoon and evening on Sunday.

On Monday morning I enjoyed strolling along the promenade along the waterfront

down to the Port, where both the small and massive boats are all docked. It is certainly an impressive place.

Walking back along the coast I decided to climb the stairs up to the viewing deck of the old castle.

and then explored further the gorgeous park at the top which overlooks the city. It was wonderful to see so many people out enjoying the sunshine, as I was.

The old ruins of the castle and the cathedral were an unexpected sight, and the gardens were quite beautiful.


As I returned back to the hotel, I wandered through the Nice market, filled with stalls selling mostly antiques, which were well beyond my budget, but many other things as well.

Restaurants and massive old buildings provided a lovely backdrop to the market.

I met Jules for a late brunch/lunch down by the water, and then I enjoyed an afternoon exploring the nearby shops including the Galeries Lafayette, then grabbed some antipasto for an easy dinner with a bottle of Rose, as we have an early start tomorrow. Due to the French train strike we have had to purchase  a ticket on the private train for our trip over to Italy. The owner of the place we are staying tomorrow in Camogli has been in touch and will collect us from the train station to help with the luggage. Thank goodness!!


  1. I've spent many hours of bliss at Galeries Lafayette in Paris. I'm sorry to read that you are not 110 percent well and wish you a very speedy recovery. There is so much exploring ahead of you ;)

  2. Loved Nice! Hope you tried the local food - Socca and Pissaladière!
    Enjoy Italy!

    1. Sadly I did not, Attila. Just means I need another trip back to Nice!

  3. No good that your under the weather Jules. Hope your on the improve now and that Kath, you are ok too. Amazing trip your both having 👍👍

  4. What a wonderful journey through France, for you and for us, too. I feel so buoyant now that I've seen these incredible photos. Thank you so much.

    I'll read Italy tomorrow night. xx
